Friday, August 9, 2013

The Girls and Jett on the Farm (Monday)

Today was a "stay at home" day so the kids could play and enjoy the time together.  Jett and Emma began their day at 4:15.  McKaylea woke up later.

Time for breakfast

Visiting Grammy

Grammy gave Emma her birthday card early, but told her not to open it until her birthday on the 16th.  Grammy even wrote on the envelope her instructions.

Playing on the ramp with the garden cart

Look at these 3 special kids - so full of life and fun.
How special they are to us!!

Garden Time
We checked to see if any peas needed to be picked.

Outside Play Time

Inside Activities 

Nothing like an ice-cream cone for the finale to a Bingo game!

Pirate's Code

Our Okra Girl
I had prepared okra for lunch and we had some left-over.  McKaylea had it for her afternoon snack!
A fun filled day on the farm!

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