Saturday, August 3, 2013

The Woods' Family On the Farm

Melodi and the kids came to the farm for a few days.  We always have fun and excitement when they are here.
The Woods' Family arrives

Grandpop comes to greet them

Enjoying a meal from Polo's

Chore Time
Riding in the back of the "Gator'

Grandpop gives a shot to one of the heifers we are weaning.

The horses

Feeding the horses

An abundance of grasshoppers abound around here.  The kids caught them for the chickens and for the boys to use for fishing.

Mathew and his grasshopper stash

Sharing with the chickens

McKaylea gave her grasshoppers to Melodi to feed to the chickens.  She didn't want to risk getting "pecked".

Emma helping make the dessert for lunch

Coffee on the patio with Julie

Grammy wanted Ambelea's birthday card to be delivered by Melodi when she visited Amberlea  We laughed at what Grammy had written on the envelope.

Melodi with her delivery

Our time with the kids and grandkids is always special.  
The time together is priceless!

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