Tuesday, January 4, 2011


Easter came early in April. As usual I made our annual bunny cake that I have made since Mel & I have been married.
Amberlea and Jett came for a visit on the farm. We ate at the Tiger Drive-In in Roff exposing them to life in a small town.
April 7th Mel & I went to Germany to spend time with Melodi and the kids on their spring break. Bryan was deployed for the 2nd time.
Another blog will have Germany highlights from our trip.

Jett opening his Easter goodies

Getting seated in the Tiger Drive-In

Packing for our trip to Germany

Packed, loaded and ready to head-out to DFW on April 7th

Our flight to Germany was a direct flight from DFW to Frankfurt. We left at 2:20 p,m. to arrive there at 7:30 a.m Germany time. Since it was a 9 1/2 hour flight and with airline food, Mel and I knew we wanted a good meal before we boarded. This was where we ate after checking our bags and going through security.

Our waiter at the restaurant

The food was delicious and we were full, ready for the long flight and if lucky we might be able to sleep on the plane (wishful thinking for sure!).

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